Samsung unveiled the latest versions of its two foldable smartphones at its Unpacked 2024 event on Wednesday. The Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6 are thinner and lighter than their predecessors, while the Fold 6 brings a long-awaited update to the traditional narrow front display aspect ratio. Both devices come at a higher starting price of $1,900 for the Fold and $1,100 for the Flip, which is $100 more than the previous models.
But as expected, this is above all an artificial intelligence effort. In fact, the release announcing the new devices mentions “AI” a total of 25 times, aptly enough to be headlined “Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6 take Galaxy AI to new heights.” At the heart of the feature is the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, the same chip that powers the Galaxy S24.
The flagship's January launch marked the start of Samsung's Galaxy AI campaign, and subsequent developer conferences from Google, Apple, and Microsoft have already signaled what could be a year of mobile AI devices. The S24 also marked the debut of the Circle to Search feature, so it's no surprise that Google was at the center of Samsung's first efforts.
Image credit: Samsung
This is a departure from Google's standard Android feature release map, where the most impressive new features usually debut on its own Pixel series. Samsung and Google's relationship has grown much closer in recent years as the two companies joined forces to take on a common foe: Apple. Recently, the two tech giants collaborated on an Android fork for foldable devices and a new version of Wear OS, which replaces Tizen on Galaxy Watch devices.
A month after Apple Intelligence debuted, Samsung devoted an entire paragraph in its Galaxy Z Fold/Galaxy Z Flip press release to Google Gemini. Generative AI apps will be integrated even more deeply into the larger screen of the Z Fold 6. Poor old Bixby never stood a chance: Samsung quietly wiped out its own answer to Siri/Assistant in favor of Google's latest incarnation.
According to Samsung:
Swipe the corner of the screen or say “Hey Google” to open the Gemini overlay to help you write, study, plan, and more. Gemini integrates with your favorite Google apps, so you can easily plan the perfect trip with real-time flight and hotel booking information. You can also use Google Maps to find famous landmarks and the best routes to get there. If you're watching YouTube on the big screen of your Galaxy Z Fold 6 and want more information on a K-pop music video, you can access the Gemini overlay in multi-window split screen to ask.
Meanwhile, Google has been systematically replacing its own assistant with Gemini, although it has yet to complete its generative AI platform. Without an in-house LLM to rely on, jumping on the Gemini bandwagon was undoubtedly a smart move. Even Apple is turning to third parties to answer tough questions off-device through a partnership with OpenAI.
Image credit: Samsung
As for Galaxy AI, the S24's initial applications revolved around image processing, which has long been a cornerstone of Samsung's mobile approach. Now, the company has added AI-powered assistance to its Notes app, including the ability to transcribe, translate, and summarize voice recordings (following in the footsteps of Google and Apple). The app also improves its PDF translation capabilities, and the Samsung keyboard gets a new predictive text feature.
And, for better or worse, the Galaxy AI will do its best to write in your style: “For social media in particular, Composer will analyze your previous posts to craft text that reflects your tone,” Samsung says.
Ultimately, there's nothing game-changing in terms of AI, but the change to a more square internal aspect ratio in the Galaxy Z Flip 6 shows that Samsung is still responding to consumer demand after foldables from Google and OnePlus/Oppo showed that these devices don't need to be ungainly tall. Samsung may still dominate the foldable market, but it's not immune to market forces. Remember, the category is still very new and far from perfect.
Both phones are available for pre-order now and are scheduled to ship on July 24th.