Five years ago, numerous apps began implementing dark mode, including YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Hulu, and WhatsApp. Apple and Google began offering system-wide dark themes for their mobile operating systems in 2018. Wikipedia has finally caught up and will begin implementing dark mode on its mobile website in 2024.
If you visited the Wikipedia website on mobile this week, you may have seen a pop-up informing you that dark mode is primetime. Here's how to turn on dark mode:
Visit the Wikipedia site. Tap on the hamburger menu at the top. Tap on Settings. In the Color section, select “Dark” as an option.
The “Colors” tab on Wikipedia states that this is an experimental implementation and may cause issues in dark mode.
What the Wikipedia website looks like in dark mode on mobile web. Image credit: Screenshot by TechCrunch
Currently, dark mode is only available on the mobile website. However, users on Reddit say that users using the site via desktop may see the option available sometime this month. We will update this article once the dark mode option is available on Wikipedia's desktop site.