Google on Tuesday announced the release of Android 15 and its source code ahead of its upcoming consumer release, bringing the new mobile operating system to supported Pixel devices in the coming weeks. The company also revealed that Android 15 will be released on select devices from Samsung, Honor, iQOO, Lenovo, Motorola, Nothing, OnePlus, Oppo, realme, Sharp, Sony, Tecno, vivo and Xiaomi in the coming months.
The Android update adds new features such as Private Space, a feature that lets users isolate parts of the operating system for sensitive information. The software update also lets users save their favorite split-screen app combinations for quick access and pin the taskbar to the screen. Other additions include partial screen recording and a more convenient passkey.
As part of Tuesday's announcement, Google revealed that it will open up Android 15 to the Android Open Source Project, which provides the information and source code needed to create custom versions of the Android OS, port devices and accessories to the Android platform, and ensure compatibility requirements.
According to Google, Android 15 provides even more ways for developers to further tailor app experiences and improve how apps perform with every platform release. It also includes improvements in areas such as typography, internationalization, media and camera experiences, user experience, and privacy and security. On the privacy and security front, Android 15 supports single-tap passkey sign-in and other new protections against bad actors.
As part of its developer education efforts, Google is launching an education series called Spotlight Weeks, which will delve deeper into technical topics related to Android development, starting with a week of content on Android 15.
“Android 15 continues our mission to build a private and secure platform that powers productivity while delivering new capabilities to create beautiful apps, great media and camera experiences, and intuitive user experiences, especially on tablets and foldables,” McCullough, vice president of Android Developer Products, wrote in a blog post.
Android 15 brings developers improvements to camera and media, as well as typography and interiorization. Google is also making most of the changes for apps opt-in, giving developers more time to make required app changes before their apps target SDK version 35.