Meta announced on Tuesday that users will soon be able to add their WhatsApp accounts to their account center. Account Center is a hub where users can manage their connected experiences across their Facebook, Instagram, and Meta Quest accounts.
This integration will allow users to cross-post their WhatsApp statuses as Stories to Instagram and Facebook, eliminating the need to post multiple times. It also allows users to log into multiple apps with the same account using the “single sign-on” feature. This is an authentication option that allows you to do things like log in to Instagram using your Facebook account information.
Adding your WhatsApp account to Account Center is optional and turned off by default.
Meta says that if you choose to connect your WhatsApp account to the hub, your WhatsApp messages and calls will remain end-to-end encrypted.
Image credit: Meta
Meta's app[設定]The Account Center, located in the section, was first introduced in 2020 as a way for users to manage their connected experiences across the company's services.
Meta plans to roll out additional features to Account Center, including avatars, Meta AI stickers, and options to manage your Imagine Me creations.
The company is rolling out the WhatsApp integration globally, but says it will take several months for it to be available to all users. Once the integration is available, you will see an option in your WhatsApp settings. You may also see integrations when you try to perform actions between accounts, such as reposting your status to other apps in Meta.