Alternative app store AltStore has released its first third-party iOS app in the European Union. The launch comes months after the company released an updated version of its app marketplace in the EU. AltStore PAL comes as a response to the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which forces Apple to open up to new rivals.
The first batch includes torrent app iTorrent, which allows users to download P2P (peer-to-peer) files, and qBitControl, a qBittorrent remote client for iOS devices. Also included in the list is PeopleDrop, a social discovery platform designed to help you connect with people nearby.
There's also UTM SE, an emulator app that can run classic software and old-school games. Unlike the other apps in this first batch, UTM SE is also available in the official iOS App Store, whereas the other three were created specifically as alternatives.
AltStore says it independently vetted these initial apps to ensure they meet safety standards. Users can access them by adding them from the “Sources” screen, after which they will appear in the “Browse” tab.
As a result of the DMA, Apple has been forced to introduce APIs that allow developers to distribute apps outside of the App Store, meaning that an app store ecosystem is starting to emerge where developers can compete with the default iOS app marketplace.