Apple on Wednesday sent a threat notification to iPhone users in 92 countries, warning them they may be the target of a spyware attack by mercenaries.
The company sent an alert to individuals in 92 countries at 12pm Pacific Time on Wednesday. The iPhone maker sends these notifications multiple times a year, and has notified users in more than 150 countries since 2021, it wrote on an updated support page.
Apple previously described the attacker as “state-sponsored,” but replaced all such references with “mercenary spyware attack.” “Mercenary spyware attacks are extremely well-funded and evolve over time,” the company wrote on its support page.
Apple says it relies solely on “internal threat intelligence information and research to detect such attacks.” Additionally, “While our research does not allow us to achieve absolute certainty, Apple's threat notifications are a reliable warning that you are personally the target of a mercenary spyware attack. , it needs to be taken very seriously,” he adds.
This is a developing story. Please check the latest information.