Google said at the Google for India event that it is currently experimenting with video search powered by Gemini in India. This feature allows users to take a small snippet and ask Gemini questions about it.
Users who participate in this experiment will be able to use this feature in Google Lens. Video search functionality is currently limited to English queries on mobile. T
The company said users must register in the “AI Overview and More” section of the Google Search Labs Experimental Program. However, it does not specify any limitations on video length when using video search. India is Google Lens' largest user base on a monthly basis, the search company added.
This feature could be useful for capturing videos of everyday objects in India that are difficult to explain in English. Google's challenge is to understand these objects and give answers while being limited to English.
Google first announced this feature in English for US-based users at GoogleIO earlier this year.
Google is promoting multimodal search in India as more and more people become comfortable using audio and video as communication mediums. More than 40% of Indic Gemini users in the country chat with the assistant in voice mode.
The company has also added local language support for free conversations with Gemini Live in Hindi. It said it will add support for Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, and Urdu in the future.
The company first introduced the ability to search by both photos and text in combination in 2021 to save you the hassle of typing in objects that are difficult to describe. In 2022, Google introduced multimodal search functionality in India.