Apple released a new number on Friday and emphasized the adoption of iOS 18 users. The mobile operating system released in a public format in September 2024 is installed on 68 % of compatible devices. The number will jump to 78 % on the iPhone released in the past four years.
For the remaining iPhone, 19 % run iOS 17, and 13 % use the previous version. Similarly, 19 % of the iPhone released in the past four years is currently running iOS 17.
This figure drops to 5 % in the previous iOS build. This is understandable, considering the overall percentage of devices shipped to iOS 17 or 18, considering the tendency of recruited devices that can maintain the latest OS update. As 9-5 Mac pointed out, the presented numbers are similar to Apple issued in 2024 while adopting iOS 17.
The company's small model approach to Apple Intelligence against AI was an iOS 18 Marquee feature. This arrived at the first major update of the operating system 18.1, and the additional function arrived at 18.2. The current public version is 18.2.1. Of course, Apple Intelligence had some stumbles from the gate, including those that need to roll back the outline of news notifications.
On the other hand, the adoption numerical value of iPados 18 is significantly lower than mobile compatible ones. Currently, 53 % of all iPads are running iPados 18. This figure has been released in the past four years and has jumped to 63 %.