Google is continuing its consumer hardware momentum in August. On Tuesday, the company unveiled the long-awaited new Nest Thermostat and the Google TV Streamer, which replaces its 11-year-old Chromecast line. Next Tuesday, at Made by Google 2024, the software giant will refresh its Pixel line with a slew of new smartphones.
Previous Made by Google events have been held on the East Coast in October, and this one will be held at the company's Mountain View headquarters, starting at 10am PST/1pm ET on August 13.
As always, the easiest way to watch is via Google's own livestream, which coincidentally is embedded below.
As always, the TechCrunch staff is here to bring you the latest news.
Alongside announcing new home devices and upgrades to the Google Assistant, the company also unveiled two new mobile devices, the Pixel 9 Pro and Pixel 9 Fold, and with the tagline “The smartphone built for the Gemini era,” there was no doubt that the company's generative AI platform would take center stage.
The event should see more of Android 15. The mobile operating system is expected to debut on the Pixel 9 series alongside upgraded in-house processors. Updated versions of the Pixel Watch and Pixel Buds Pro are also rumored to be released.