When you sign up for a new social network, you have zero friends, zero followers, and zero likes. But once you start posting content, you might start to see more and more likes and comments. This may help you gain new followers. And that dopamine increase will make you post more. A new app called Palmsy is trying to act as the methadone of social media by letting you post anything and get likes.
However, the problem is that no one can see your posts.
You can publish as many posts as you like. This app also allows you to add photos to your posts. But you are sending those posts into thin air. Developer Pat Nakajima said on Threads that posts never leave the device and all likes are fake.
Image credit: Palmsea
This free app, which works on both iPhone and iPad, essentially reads your contact list and assigns fake likes to your posts. While the app reads contact details, all posts are local so no contact information is sent to the server.
“It can be fun to see likes coming in from people you haven't thought about in years. It can also be helpful if you want to delete contacts you no longer need,” Nakajima says in the app's FAQ I'm writing in the section.
Palmsy shows contacts who have liked your posts Image credit: Palmsy
In addition to seeing your contacts, you can also treat this app as your personal diary or a place to get bad puns out of your system. No one will criticize you. it's up to you.
The developer recently updated the app with several features that allow you to limit the number of likes on a particular post and the period of time you receive those likes (seconds, minutes, hours, or days). Added advanced options. .
There are multiple time limit apps that can help reduce social media addiction. Some developers have also released very basic apps for posting stupid posts without repercussions.
In 2018, former Google Reader product manager Jason Shellen started typing anything into a text box.[送信]We've relaunched Brizzly as a website where you can press . The post doesn't go anywhere and I can't even see it when I press send.