Invasive algae are a problem around the world. Different types of seaweed pose a threat to the marine environment by suffocating or killing corals, affecting fish and other marine life.
Sonia Hurtado, who lived near the sea in Spain, saw first-hand the impact that an abundance of seaweed known as Rugropteryx okamurae was having on the Mediterranean Sea. The contamination started in 2015 in southern France and has spread to the entire coastline.
After meeting Maria Sermegno, an expert in protein extraction from circular food materials, the two decided to remove this pest from the ocean and turn it into food-grade protein material. They founded Poseidna, a sustainable food technology development company based in Barcelona. This technology uses exotic seaweed and algae sidestreams (waste produced by agricultural producers) to produce proteins. In this case, it's a soy protein replacement.
The company takes advantage of enzymatic hydrolysis, a molecular separation process commonly used in plastic recycling and ethanol production, and combines it with other technologies. Its secret sauce is its method and the combination of enzymes used to ensure a high quality protein end product. They're looking for the nutritional elements of protein and overall superior functionality, Hurtado said.
“We also have a project underway to specifically consider the organoleptic properties of our products so they don't have that 'rotten seaweed' flavor and have better color,” she told TechCrunch. “The best thing about using Sidestream, in addition to the low to no cost, is that Sidestream is already concentrated in protein. But at the same time, it keeps the protein in good condition and keeps everything in place. It is difficult to extract it.”
Neither Selmeño nor Hurtado are experts in this area. Cermeño has a PhD in food biochemistry, and Hurtado was co-founder and chief scientific officer of Current Foods, formerly known as Kuleana. The company produces plant-based seafood and was acquired by Wicked Kitchen in 2023.
Poseidna is not alone in using side streams to make food. Last month, Berlin-based Pacifico Biolab also announced $3.3 million in pre-seed funding for a fermentation process to create alternative seafood.
Poseidna founders Sonia Hurtado (left) and Maria Sermeño.Image credit: Poseidna
Sidestream is being pushed further into the mainstream as food scientists recognize the need to find new sources of protein, Hurtado said. At the same time, those concerned about the environmental impact of food production recognize that large amounts of waste and side streams are generated.
“For example, the skin of a rotten tomato has a lot of good colors and molecules that you can use,” Hurtado says. “We are becoming an overpopulated world and at some point we will reach a point where there will be no more resources, so we need to make the most of all the resources we have.”
Poseidna's first product is a soy alternative protein concentrate. Companies often have to experiment with the colors and flavors of ingredients. But in the first prototype, Hurtado and Selmeño found that the concentrate had an umami, or mushroom-like taste, and a slightly reddish color. Hurtado said he is aiming for a more soy-like color, but for now he will stick with natural colors.
If all goes well, Hurtado plans to launch the concentrate at the end of 2024. Supporting the research and development drive is a €1.1 million ($1.19 million) pre-seed funding round led by Faber, one of Europe's leading venture capital funds. Specializes in climate technology and blue economy. The round also includes Dozen Investments, Sprout & About, ProVeg International, and WA4STEAM (Women for STEAM).
On the other hand, there are specific government regulations regarding how the algae that Poseidna uses in its products is manipulated and collected. Inspired by declining fish populations and fewer jobs for fishermen, and an idea from Hurtado's daughter, Hurtado and Selmeño are working on a program to encourage fishermen to harvest seaweed as an alternative source of income. It became so. They plan to work on it over the next few years.
Poseidna also has plans to exploit other types of invasive seaweed, such as sargassum, which Hurtado said is impacting the Pacific Ocean.
“Our goal is to use a variety of macroalgae using our proprietary methodology to develop superior proteins at affordable prices that can compete with the current mainstream plant-based proteins, such as soy and pea proteins. There is no competition at all,” Hurtado said. “Eventually we will be able to bring it to parity in cost with soy protein.”