At Samsung Unpacked 2025 on Wednesday, Google announced updates to Circle to Search to help users find information and do their jobs more easily. The feature was launched last year and allows users to search from anywhere on their phone using gestures like circling, highlighting, scribbling, and tapping.
Google is now using Circle to Search to extend AI overview to more types of visual results, such as locations, trending images, and unique objects. Last year, the company released an AI summary for Circle to Search queries when the search includes both images and text. This latest update allows users to view AI summaries without adding additional text or questions to their searches.
Image credit: Google
For example, if you find an interesting piece in a museum, you can circle it and see an AI snapshot of useful information about it, as well as links to learn more about it from the web.
This new feature is rolling out to all Android devices where AI Overview is available.
Google says Circle to Search will now recognize numbers, email addresses, and URLs that appear on your screen, making it easier for users to work on their phones. Hold down the Home button and circle or tap a phone number, email address, or URL to see action tips to interact with the information.
This feature is rolling out to all Android devices with Circle to Search.