Telegram gives users a free premium membership in exchange for allowing the instant messaging app to use their phone number as a relay to send one-time SMS passwords to other users trying to log into the platform We have introduced a controversial new feature. Potential privacy risks and leakage of personal information.
This feature was first discovered by the TGInfoEn Telegram channel (via reverse engineering) assemble debug) is rolling out in some countries for Telegram for Android users. Once you agree for Telegram to use your number as his OTP relay, you will receive a Telegram Premium transferable code.
The terms and conditions of this peer-to-peer login program state that the company will send up to 150 OTP messages each month. Participating Users may also be charged domestic and international SMS usage fees and must reach a certain quota to take advantage of the free subscription. From a financial perspective, you could end up paying more through your phone bill than your Telegram premium membership is worth.
There are also big privacy concerns, as strangers could find out your number and use it for spam or fraud. Telegram allows users to hide their phone number from strangers, but using your number as a repeater can allow them to look into your Telegram account.
These terms indicate that participants in the program will not hold Telegram liable for damages and will absolutely indemnify the company from all claims related to peer-to-peer logins.
“You agree to indemnify Telegram against any costs, expenses, damages or other adverse or unintended consequences that Telegram may suffer as a direct or indirect result of your participation in any current or past P2PL Program. You acknowledge and agree that we assume no liability.'' Read.
Telegram tells users not to interact with anyone who receives an OTP code from their number, but there is no way to force them to do so.
Two years ago, the company launched a subscription service with features such as transcription, exclusive stickers, reactions, and other customizations. Telegram has introduced features such as Stories for paid users. However, users opting into a peer-to-peer login system should consider whether giving out their phone number to a stranger to save a few bucks is worth the hassle.