Timekettle announced its latest earphones, the W4 Pro, at CES 2025 in Las Vegas this week. The product aims to further the startup's focus by bringing real-time two-way translation to phone and video calls.
The earbuds automatically begin translating calls in 40 languages without any input from the user. As expected, there is a delay of approximately 3-5 seconds after speaking.
Timekettle says: “The newly introduced feature enables two-way translation, making it easy to have cross-linguistic conversations through any telecommunications application or traditional telephone system, without sacrificing the original audio quality. , provides two-way synchronous translation.”
However, the translated audio will sound louder than the original audio. In addition to these translations, the headphones use onboard AI to provide an overview of the content of the conversation.
The W4 Pro can also be used in the same way as previous Timekettle headphones. You can also share your earbuds with others and translate face-to-face.
The headphones are powered by the company's newly announced Babel OS, which Timekettle says “anticipates what's being said, adapts to a customizable vocabulary, and uses real human emotion and tonality.” “With a solution that can be translated, we will enable ultra-fast migrations.”
This operating system will also be available on older models. The W4 Pro earbuds go on sale Sunday and are priced at $449.