Razer is in trouble with the FTC over masks it manufactured and sold during the coronavirus pandemic. The issue will cost about $1.1 million and will get some bad press.
Yes, a mask. When you think of the word “Razer,” you think of different things, right? You probably think of gaming keyboards and mice when you think of this brand. Heck, I have her Razer mouse connected to my computer at work right now. that's great. But that's not the case with the company's masks, and that's the problem.
Razer has been in trouble with authorities because their alleged N95 masks weren't properly tested and vetted, but this whole saga got us thinking. In an age of buggy electric cars, AI handsets and pins that don't live up to expectations, and even masks that don't mask as promised, are we living in an age of half-baked hardware?
When you think about this, people are applying software strategies like MVPs, rapid iterations, etc. to hardware, trying to push the limits of how fast we can build, but it's not translating well enough. I think the problem is that there isn't one. The good news is that Razer's gaming hardware is still very good. Even though I doubt the company regrets moving into the mask space today. Press play and enjoy!