For the second time in just over a month, Meta's apps, including WhatsApp, as well as Messenger and Instagram, are facing outages and intermittent issues. While it's rare for a service as large as those operated by Meta to go down completely, Meta's status page details disruptions to key business services, including Ads Manager, Messenger Platform, WhatsApp Business API, and more. I am. WhatsApp too Confirmed X Stop updating your account.
At 2:55 p.m. ET, the company said: “We understand that some people are currently experiencing issues. We are working to get everyone back to 100% as quickly as possible.” I told you.
We understand that some people are experiencing issues right now, but we're working to get everyone back to 100% as soon as possible.
— WhatsApp (@WhatsApp) April 3, 2024
Users have also reported problems accessing Instagram and Messenger, according to social media posts and crowd-sourced reporting sites such as Downdector. However, the latter does not serve as a formal confirmation of an outage, only a signal that an outage may be in progress. Media inquiries to Mehta about the cause of the outage have not yet been answered.
The biggest issue appears to be with WhatsApp, which some believe has been resolved as of this writing.
(In our own testing, Meta's app loaded and we were able to send messages via WhatsApp.) This suggests that either the outage was not global in nature or that it had already been fixed. is showing.)
Neither Messenger, Facebook nor Instagram have publicly posted any confirmation of the issue through their X accounts.
This isn't the first major outage in Meta's app this year.
On Super Tuesday (March 5, 2024) in the US, Facebook, Instagram, and Threads were all down, with users seeing a “something went wrong” error message or landing page. I was logged out and unable to access it. This outage lasted several hours before the app came back online. At the time, Meta's status page indicated there were also issues with products such as Ads Manager.