WhatsApp today announced that it is rolling out a 'Search by Date' feature for individual and group chats on Android devices. This feature is also available on other platforms such as iOS, Mac desktop, and WhatsApp Web.
Mark Zuckerberg shared the announcement on his WhatsApp channel, along with a video searching for old chats about karaoke. Users can only search for chats from a specific date instead of specifying a date range.
To use this feature, users must tap on a contact or group name to go to the 1:1 or group chat details. To search by date, you need to tap the search button and then tap the calendar icon.
Users can already search conversations by media type, such as links, media, and documents, from the conversation details page.
WhatsApp is also testing other search-related features. In December, WABetaInfo reported that the company was experimenting with chat filters such as “All,” “Unread,” “Contacts,” and “Groups.” Earlier this month, a blog post said the company was working on another filter called “Favorites” to quickly check starred messages.
Last week, WhatsApp announced support for new text formatting options such as bulleted lists, numbered lists, block quotes, and inline codes for channels and personal and group chats.