WhatsApp said on Friday that it has confused about 90 users, including journalists and civil society members, that it has been confused.
Whatsapp's spokesman told Techniccrunch that the campaign was linked to Paragon, a Israelian spyware maker acquired by a private equity Giant AE Industrial Partner last December.
“We have reached directly to those who seem to have been influenced. This is the latest example of spyware companies that have to be responsible for illegal actions. Whatsapp is personally communicated. We will continue to protect the capabilities of the people, “said Whatsapp's spokesman Zade Alsawah to TechCrunch.
According to WhatsApp, the hacking campaign has compromised the target using malicious PDFS sent through the WhatsApp and promoted corrections to prevent this mechanism.
John Scott-Railton, a senior researcher of CITIZEN LAB, has been investigating spyware companies and their abuse for many years, but TechCrunch also uses this specific attack vector to observe this hacking campaign by PARAGON. He said he was investigating.
WhatsApp told TechCrunch that the hacking campaign had occurred in December and sent a letter to PARAGON to stop and abolish.
Do you have any details about Paragon and this Spyware campaign? You can send Lorenzo Franceschi-BICCHIERAI with a +1 917 257 1382 signal from a work other than work, via Telegram and Keybase @lorenzofb. You can also contact TechCrunch via Securedrop.
PARAGON's CEO iDan Nurick did not respond to the comments sent via Linkedin. AE Industrial did not respond to comment requests.
This is the first time that a paragon has been publicly linked to a hacking campaign, which is said to be a journalist and a member of the civil society. Since its establishment in 2019, Paragon has been caught in scandals like other spyware manufacturers such as Intelllexa and NSO Group, both are the US government targets, Intellexa and their founders. The approved NSO group is on the block list.
Paragon signed a contract with a US immigrant customs executive organization in September, as wired last year through a US subsidiary. New Yorker said that the contract had come after the examination process.
At this point, who is the target of this spyware campaign revealed by WhatsApp?
Natalia Krapiva, a senior technical adviser of Access Now, a digital right organization that investigates SPYWARE abuse, has praised the actions taken by WhatsApp.
“For a while, the paragon had a reputation for a” better “spyware company, which was not related to obvious abuse, but it suggests that the recent revelation of Whatsapp is not,” Krapiva was TechCrunchch. I talked. “This is not just a bad apple problem. These types of abuse is a characteristic of the commercial spyware industry.”
Paragon states on an official website that “providing ethical tools, teams, and insights to customers to confuse threats that are difficult to handle.”